Features That Come Standard With Shoppiko
What others charge extra for, Shoppiko includes everything for everyone
- Mobile-Ready Storefront Themes
- Total Design Control
- Seller Products
- Feature Rich Modules
- Promotions & Coupons
- Reward Points
- Store Wallet
- User-Friendly Checkout
- Order Tracking & Returns
- Advanced Customer Account
- Full Blogging Platform
- Smart Sales Management
- Seller Management
- Abandoned Carts
- Built-in Marketing
- eCommerce Analytics
- Inbuilt Payment Options
- Inbuilt Shipping Options
- Advanced Reports
- Email/SMS Campaigning
- Inventory Manager
- Customer/Product Segmentation
- ZERO Set-Up Fees
- Zero Transaction Fees
- Custom Domain Name
- FREE SSL Certificate
- Seller Dashboard
- Secure Shopping Cart
- Robust eCommerce CMS
- Advanced SEO
- Different Currencies
- Social Media Integration
- Unlimited Tech Support
And Many Many More to Keep Your Business Growing