
Professionally Designed Beautiful & User Friendly Themes to stay ahead of the competition. 

Theme selection is a very important part. Very attractive Theme Design options available in Store Admin. Choose and apply theme which is suitable your store. User can select full and Box view of theme.

Theme defines the actual view for your Front Store. Theme selection is an important part of online store. Proper theme selection improves store visibility and more professional look of store. Theme selection available from Theme module. Select theme as per suitability and apply skin for change color.

You can Choose any one of Themes which are available on Theme Section. Click on Apply on Particular Theme for Theme selection. If select one by one and select final theme, which is suitable for Your eCommerce Store. The Themes which you have selected and you do not want to keep it, you can Reset the theme, so which is displays default theme. You can Identify by Status of  "Current" which theme is selected. 

Skin is very important parts for Theme. Store user can add and update colors in the skin section. Custom skin design is available in shoppiko. customer can choose and update skin for header, product Etc.


Page Layout is available to set and integrate with different themes.  User can set Page layout as per theme, like set one theme header and another theme footer is added from theme layout.

Custom Design:-

User can design by own way. Full control and access for store design. Unique Design with attractive look of store with custom design is benefit to increase store visitor and customer.

Key Features of Theme:- 

--> Any one Theme can be selected for Shoppiko Store.

--> Theme can be changed any time.

--> Not Lost of any kind of details and information after change the theme.

--> All Updated information will also displays after theme change.

--> Each theme has unique color combinations and Elements for UI. 

--> Theme is affects in mobile View, so check in mobile view also and keep theme which is suitable in mobile view.

--> Theme design is affected store looking, so choose theme which looks as per your Business.