Store Wallet

Dedicated Store Wallet to help your customer manage their fund for your store.

Store wallet is a digital wallet or virtual pocket which allows to customer make online transactions as a  store credit for future use. Store Wallet or digital Wallet provides services to manage customer their fund for your store. Wallet facility is important to return and exchange for offers.

Key Feature

 --> Wallet balance can increase and desrease 

 --> In store wallet balance, helps to promote sales activities

 --> Easily add and use wallet balance

 --> Easily enabled and disabled only one time selection.

 --> Customer get wallet details on their own account.

 --> Comfort and convenience wallet feature

Admin - Wallet Setup

1. Add wallet from Store Wallet settings.

2. Add Wallet credit From Customer Information.

3. Set in Offer as a wallet 

Front Store Wallet

1.Check customer account in wallet

2. Apply coupon code in which set a wallet.

